Remember Lynndie England - the US GI who posed with brutalised Arab prisoners in Abu Ghraib prison, exposing the dark heart of America's war in Iraq?
Now Israel, once again, shows its own dark racist heart on Facebook, in the pictures of IDF poster girl Eden Abergil. She posted loads of pictures on Facebook with her smiling and making fun of blindfolded and bound Palestinian prisoners.
Her blog embarrassed the IDF but Eden has no regrets. Here she shows why she doesn't get it - basically she hates Arabs.
Ms. Abergil responded to criticism, making it clear that she’s not taking the issue too seriously.
“No honey, they didn’t ruin my life. I can’t afford to have Arab—lovers ruin the perfect life I’m leading!!! I am not sorry and I do not regret it.”
Another surfer, Shai, responded to Ms. Abergil and claimed that she failed to grasp the meaning and implication of her actions.
“It’s called humanism,” he wrote, prompting Ms. Abergil to respond: “I’m not humane towards murderers.”
“In war there are no rules,” she wrote.
She later became more explicit, “I hate Arabs and wish them all the worst. I would gladly kill them all and even butcher them; one cannot forget their actions.”
Referring to the possibility that the images could injure Israel’s image in the international arena, Ms. Abergil said, “We will always be attacked. Whatever we do, we will always be attacked.”
IDF described the former soldier’s behaviour “shameful” which brings to disrepute the country and the army. But a Facebook support group has also been established calling itself ‘We are all with Eden Abergil’, and currently numbering 600 people.
The members have demanded that other soldiers post pictures similar to the ones uploaded by Ms. Abergil.
The former soldier has also approved hundreds of new Facebook friend requests that have been pouring in since the story broke causing a storm worldwide.
This kind of racist hate speak has been seen a lot on Facebook in Israel. When a human rights activist Edna Kanti appeared on Israel's Big Brother earlier this year, 100,000 Israelis joined a Facebook group against her, with posts full of violence against her as an 'Arab lover'.
Time to bring back the gas chamber and finish the job !