Opinion and observation on a world gone crazy

Joe Gill, journalist and game inventor from Brighton, UK

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Alleged Iranian attacks on Israeli targets - real or false flag?

The countdown to another war in the Middle East is accelerating with these new incidents in India, Georgia and Thailand. BBC News carried a propagandistic piece tonight from a US Navy vessel in the Persian Gulf that seemed to be preparing us for war.

Not being so widely reported is the fact that Iran has accused Israel of working with an Iranian terrorist group to assassinate the country's nuclear scientists. Experts say that a possible partnership between Israel and the MEK, also known as the People's Mujahideen, is not a surprising match, according to CNN.

Iran has been blamed for these latest attacks but Jane's analysts is not so sure:

Will Hartley, editor of IHS Jane's Terrorism & Insurgency Centre, said: "While Israel's claims that Iran and Hezbollah are behind the attacks in India and Georgia cannot be discounted, at this stage it's impossible to substantiate such allegations, and it is unclear why Iran would risk an attack on Israeli interests in India, when India has been broadly supportive of Iran during the recent nuclear sanctions debate, and is one of Iran's most important trade partners.
"The alleged perpetrator of today's attempted attack in Thailand reportedly possessed an Iranian passport, possibly lending credence to Israel's allegation that Iran is waging some kind of international campaign. However, the attacks in India, Georgia and now Thailand have all been highly amateurish, and lack the sophistication that would normally be expected from an operation executed by either Hezbollah or Iran's own external operations wing, the Quds Force."

Israel is the world's expert at faking passports so it cannot be assumed that an Iranian passport necessarily proves Iran is behind the Thai or the other attacks. 'False flag' operations are terrorist attacks that are blamed on other powers than those who actually committed them. Some of these have possibly taken place in Syria, perpetrated by the Syrian regime. But Syria is not the only country that may have done this kind of thing - see Israel's ties to MEK of Iran. Rudy Guiliani, the Mayor of New York on 9/11 who made a personal fortune from security consultancies arising from the 9/11 attacks, is one of many in the US security intelligence complex pushing to have MEK removed from the US terrorist list.

This is murky stuff - the very theme of my novel The Overwhelming.

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