Opinion and observation on a world gone crazy

Joe Gill, journalist and game inventor from Brighton, UK

Sunday 3 June 2012

Obama's drone wars - killing the innocent for votes

Every time you read a report about US drones killing 'militants', remember that the truth is they are just as likely to be children or workers - innocents blown up to help Obama's re-election campaign. Clive Stafford Smith has been to Waziristan to find out who is actually being killed by Obama's drones.
At least so-called terrorists are fighting to remove foreign occupiers - you might not like their ideology but from time immemorial it has been the right of people to resist aggressors and occupiers. Given most so-called terror plots against America are actually orchestrated by the FBI and CIA, there is simply no justification for drone wars in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia or anywhere else. These countries need peace, security and development. Instead, the West supports corrupt regimes and funds security forces to suppress their own people in the name of anti-terrorism. The results are well known as far apart as the Gulf of Aden to the Gulf of Mexico - chaos, conflict and social breakdown.

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