A number of bloggers and commentators have suggested that the makers of the anti-Muslim film, Innocence of Muslims, could be involved in a Psychological Operation. The film-maker was initially identified as an Israeli-American property developer and then later described as a Coptic Christian. If you wanted to rile up conservative Islamic forces worldwide and spark conflict and violence in the Middle East, having an inflammatory film made by an Israeli / Coptic Christian (delete as appropriate) is the way to do it. The fact that an election is approaching in the USA while Israel's prime minister is doing everything he can to get Romney elected and President Obama out, so America attacks Iran, and you have the makings of the 'October Surprise' - that is an international crisis that destroys the incumbent's re-election campaign. Of course this is all rather neat and so, knowing that real life is rarely that neat, one must be careful at jumping to conclusions. However there is something remarkable about the timing of the uproar over this film, given the international context and immediate effect it has had.
Of course there is a lot of debate over who would orchestrate this, and this is where the different ideological bent of bloggers comes into play. Israel? CIA? Bilderberg-Globalist Elite? It all depends who you read...
I enjoyed
this comment which is cynical but compelling in its acerbic analysis/conjecture:
Yes, the poorly scripted psyop involving a poorly scripted 13 minute video of spewing hate is falling apart at the seams. Apparently they have to fix the fixed narrative yet again. They want everyone to know that Jews weren’t responsible and the state of Israel had nothing to do with it. Go figure. Obama is sending in the drones to attack various targets in retaliation for this “surprise” attack that now appears wasn’t a surprise after all. To add insult to injury, President Obama praised the Libyan security forces for their efforts to protect our ambassador during the attack. Those are the same forces that reportedly moved Ambassador Stevens to a less secure location and then told the mob where they could find him.
Sam Klein, who has been quoted as saying he helped make the crappy 13 minute film school student garbage, is now claiming that Sam Bacile isn’t Jewish or Israeli and that his name isn’t even Sam Bacile. He claims he helped with the film not ever knowing the real identity of the film maker and of course Jeffrey Goldberg at the
Atlantic “reports” these facts uncritically.
“Klein told me that Bacile, the producer of the film, is not Israeli, and most likely not Jewish, as has been reported, and that the name is, in fact, a pseudonym. He said he did not know “Bacile”‘s real name. He said Bacile contacted him because he leads anti-Islam protests outside of mosques and schools, and because, he said, he is a Vietnam veteran and an expert on uncovering al Qaeda cells in California. “After 9/11 I went out to look for terror cells in California and found them, piece of cake. Sam found out about me. The Middle East Christian and Jewish communities trust me.”
Just forget all the previous reports where he supposedly identified himself as a Jewish Israeli/American. Just put that aside….
“Consider all the contradictions: small ones, true, like in one account he is 52 and in another he is 56. To the AP he is “a California real estate developer who identifies himself as an Israeli Jew” and to the
Times of Israel he is “Jewish and familiar with the region.” And what about that bit at the end of the statement to the
Times of Israel—that “even Jesus” should be “in front of the judge”? That sounds like someone who is trying to provoke more than just Muslims. A lot of things don’t add up here about the claimed identity of the filmmaker.”
Sarah Posner
Forget the fact that according to the Times of Israel the guy claimed that “everyone” has to be put on trial including Jesus and Muhammad… not Moses by the way. He doesn’t mention Moses having to stand before the “judge”, whatever that means.
“The main problem is I am the first one to put on the screen someone who is (portraying) Muhammad. It makes them mad,” Bacile said. “But we have to open the door. After 9/11 everybody should be in front of the judge, even Jesus, even Muhammad.”
Times of Israel
But forget all of that.
According to a guy who is known for targeting children at school with his fear-mongering hate filled messages, Bacile isn’t Jewish. and if you can’t trust a known liar and fear-monger who targets children with his hate, who can you trust?
send in the drones. Obama is unleashing the drones to attack certain areas of Libya. Looks like they are going to attack strongholds of the Green Revolution under the guise of this ridiculous crap (which, it turns out,
was planned in advance by the same people the State Department used to destabilize Libya in the first place
Comparisons have been made to Kony 2012. They are apt in my opinion.
Curiously, President Obama praised Libyan security personnel for their efforts to protect our ambassador during the “attack”. I guess he isn’t aware that a Libyan official admits that the security forces moved Ambassador Stevens to a less secure location and then told the mob where he was.
“Mr. Obama also offered praise for the Libyan government, noting that Libyan security forces fought back against the mob, helped protect American diplomats and took Mr. Stevens’s body to the hospital. “This attack will not break the bonds between the United States and Libya,” he said.”
New York Times
“Wanis al-Sharef, a Libyan Interior Ministry official in Benghazi, said the four Americans were killed when the angry mob, which gathered to protest a U.S.-made film that ridicules Islam’s Prophet Muhammad, fired guns and burned down the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.
He said Stevens, 52, and other officials were moved to a second building, deemed safer, after the initial wave of protests at the consulate. According to al-Sharef, members of the Libyan security team seem to have indicated to the protesters the building to which the American officials had been relocate, and that building then came under attack.
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