Opinion and observation on a world gone crazy

Joe Gill, journalist and game inventor from Brighton, UK

Friday 29 June 2012

Wayne Madsen - uncovering the criminal actions of the shadow state

Former National Security Agency analyst and Naval intelligence officer Wayne Madsen has unique inside sources on major stories on 9/11 as well as on President Obama's family background and his alleged CIA links.
Madsen is a rare hero among journalists who is prepared to follow the money to where it leads, do the work (ie use primary sources) and to name the suspects. He has comprehensively identified the web of individuals, companies and foreign intelligence services involved in the criminal network using terrorism to manipulate democracy and create conflict.
I recently asked Madsen to confirm his most explosive story, which is that Mossad 'ran' the 9/11 cell that carried out the attacks on New York and Washington. The source for the story was British intelligence. Madsen spent time in New York and Israel following up the 'Israeli art students' story in 2002, he explained to me. "One of my prime British Intel sources dropped dead from a heart attack at 63. He was in contact with several other 'old mates'.
"My NSA. CIA, DIA and State Department contacts our of varying degrees of opinions on the Israeli angle but all suspect Israeli involvement at some level."
Madsen is frequently interviewed by Alex Jones and Russia Today, and seems to have some remarkable sources deep inside the security state and intelligence services. Not surprisingly he says he cannot reveal these sources as they will lose their job or worse. He himself has catalogued a number of suspicious deaths leading back to the Bush network and Israel.
I was shocked to recently discover news of the death of Dutch demolition expert Danny Jowenko, killed when his car hit a tree in 2011. He was one of the most experienced demolition experts to go on the record in a Dutch film confirming that WTC7 was a controlled demolition.

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