memo from FB whistleblower Coleen Rowley to FBI director Robert Mueller is part of the jigsaw.
I have followed the various 911truth arguments and I have moved away from the missing planes and the demolition theories toward a more plausible conspiracy. It does not deny that WTC7 still looks very much like a controlled demolition. But a flaw in the claims that the Towers could not have collapsed due to fire only, is that they didn't. Both were hit by large jet aircraft, so to compare like with like, one has to compare the collapse of the Towers with like incidents of steel-frame buildings being hit by planes - that's right, there are very few!
Moreover, it seems to me that a lot of the energy has been expended to little effect in trying to prove the highly improbable - that Flight 77 at the Pentagon was 'disappeared' or that buildings were demolished without any eyewitnesses, evidence or whistleblowers coming forward.
On the other hand, following the money to Florida flight schools, the Saudis and Bush family history, you come to the conclusion that a criminal conspiracy involving an intricate global network was behind 911, and it involved a lot of people besides VP Cheney. The Saudi-Bush-Cheney links go back a long way, as does a history of US complicity and involvement in a network supporting global terrorism.
Rowley's memo suggests that elements of the FBI wanted to prevent the terrorist plot from being foiled. This has happened many times before, dating back to the stymying of investigations into BCCI and terrorism in the 1980s and the Bosnia connection in the 1990s.
The probable conspiracy is that senior government officials knew of the plot and did nothing, because the network behind it is 'untouchable' and is closely connected to the US intelligence agencies and their shadows in the underworld of international criminal finance. Perhaps the whole thing should be called the drugs-intelligence-terror complex. There is also the fact that Saudi pilots were being trained on US military facilities and flight schools in the run-up to 911 - and that all the remaining high-level Saudis connected to this programme and plot were then flown out of the country in the wake of 911, bypassing the flight ban in place. Meanwhile the Pakistani ISI was implicated in terrorist funding and training while their boss was hanging out in Washington with the intelligence and security establishment and was embraced by them.
According to the other well-known FBI whistleblower Sibil Edmonds, Condoleeza Rice lied about the US not knowing a terror plot involving hijacked aircraft was imminent. Most of the world intelligence community seemed to know about it, including the Israelis, the French and Russians. Nothing was done, even after the authorities knew hijacked planes were in the air.
This, combined with the known ties between the President and Saudis, including the Bin Ladens, at Riggs Bank and going back to BCCI, is the substance of a credible conspiracy that has never been answered by an independent investigation. The 'too many must have known' argument does not hold with this conspiracy since some have already bravely come forward, while comparatively few people would need to be involved, and most of them are either foreign nationals or people directly involved in the criminal-drug-terror network behind the attacks. People made millions out of this - and were also culpable directly or indirectly for the attacks - and so have good reasons, alongside fear of reprisals, for remaining silent.
And this has happened before. Look at how our security services stood by while Pakistanii-Saudi-CIA criminal bank BCCI funded terrorism all over the world until it collapsed in 1991.
I should apologies for all this faintly 'old' stuff about 911 and George Bush, but I want to record it in one place, as one of millions trying to understand the last decade. This
My new book, ‘Chasing The Scream’, is now available
10 years ago
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