piece about rubbish jobs (not everyone in India and China is moving into high-tech nirvana) but there is some tiny kernel of truth in its bilious attack on the 'X Factor' culture:
"It's about time people realised that the majority of jobs are shit, and always have been. Is it seriously the job of the State to make everyone feel amazing all the time, in incredible life-affirming "make a difference" jobs? I don't think so.
Who would clean the toilets?
This line about "mental health" is just another line of bullshit. You don't need "research" to tell you that shit jobs make you unhappy. The thing is - traditionally people were brought up to channel this unhappiness into AMBITION - and use this to improve themselves through personal endeavour. You can see this attitude at work in China and India as millions strive their way out of the slums and into high-tech jobs.
Our problem is that the "Prizes for all culture" which has completely destroyed education in this country is now being applied to working culture as well. The fact is that in life some people come top and others come bottom. We've managed to shield children from this unavoidable reality of life in school, and now when they leave they are hugely disappointed to find that only shit jobs await them.
Perhaps rather than spending taxpayers money creating a fools paradise, fostering kids' sense of self-importance and entitlement, we could let a little reality
into the picture. Perhaps kids might value their education more if they had a true picture of what awaits them at the end. The fact is that thousands upon thousands of people seem to think their "talent" is somehow waiting to be discovered, and prefer to wait on benefits rather than put in the hard work.
And if another person on this site attempts to glorify "Manufacturing work", as some kind of workers utopia of community respect and shared values I might vomit. You've obviously never done a shit manufacturing job. Life on a production line, or in heavy industry is just as shit and low paid as anything else. Especially when you can see robots performing half the tasks and realise you are nothing but a cheaper version of the robot yourself. Don't make me laugh!
In reality most work is tedious and offers only fleeting or retrospective satisfaction. We can't all be rock stars or footballers. Just get a grip. Teach your kids to work hard. Teach them to lower the cretinously inflated sense of self-worth they have fostered in school, and lower their ludicrous expectations of fame and riches being handed to them at 16.
Oh yes - and cut the handouts. We'll soon find a resurgence of genuine ambition in this country - as those with the will and the gumption to get things done reject the drudge of shit jobs and work their way out of it. Frankly they are the ones that deserve to escape. Everyone else can get on with cleaning the toilets.
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10 years ago
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