Mervyn King tells MPs: 'The price of this financial crisis is being borne by people who absolutely did not cause it'
Mervyn King has let the
fat cat out of the bag. I think this commenter put it well and he's talking about me too. I hope he is wrong:
What sort of a people simply stand back after being hammered by the worst financial crisis (far worse than the rest of Europe), have the worst governance in Europe, the worst levels of crime, the biggest gap between rich and poor in the EU, a mindlessly plebian popular culture filled with cookery programmes and reality TV and simply do nothing? What is it about the British people in 2011: a race who seem to have apathy, spineless, blandness, coldness, rabid selfishness, arrogance and inertia pretty much hardwired into their DNA now and only get passionate about 11 grown men kicking a fucking ball around an acre of green turf, or the amount of money they can personally screw out of their fellow man - usually through landlord/tenant bondage?
Quite frankly this country is finished and the Tories, the Labour Party (basically now no more than the visionless public sector arm of the Tory Party), the aristocracy, the right wing tabloid press, the chavs, the bankers, the privatised utilities and most of the 0.45% 'superior race of mutants' who go to Oxbridge - which entitles them, almost as if by divine right, to 90% of the most important positions in the land have pretty much reduced the majority of us to the level of feudal villeins. Anyone who is decent, kind, intelligent, works hard, pays their taxes and tries to do the right thing but comes from a family without money and earns between £15K and £30 K is effectively beaten into meek submission, treated like medieval villeins and reamed hourly by the above mentioned gallery of grotesques. What a sad country this has been reduced to!
Will it ever change? Will we as a nation ever acquire any backbone? Sadly, I don't think so. And what is most of the herd's answer to this miserable situation at the moment? To endlessly eulogise about that wonderful and moving examplar of British culture 'The King's Speech' is: a film which harkens back to the glory days of 1936: the year not only of King George VI's accession but also of the Jarrow marches. Why didn't they make a film about that instead? Because Helena Bonham Carter wouldn't exactly look right in a North of England back to back scraping lard onto the cat's boil. That's why!
Oh, and let's not forget the royal wedding! People (excepting Americans) must just look on us overseas and just think we're bonkers for putting up with such a system. And who is the most militantly pro-royal section of society. The right wing working class! Is it any wonder there has never been a revolution in this country? Even my Indian housemate is now saying that he thinks Britain is an unjust country. The aristocracy must be laughing their heads off when, they in fact, they should be having having 'em lopped off.
Well, on 29th April this one ranting blogger certainly ain't 'gonna party like it's 1789!'
Anyone up for a Republican Street Party? My blog or yours?
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