Opinion and observation on a world gone crazy

Joe Gill, journalist and game inventor from Brighton, UK

Sunday 30 October 2011

10 reasons to be cryogenically frozen

It's been on my mind recently that the future - the far future, say 1000 years from now - will be much better than now. The civilisation we live in is in a process of decay, even as technological capitalism speeds across the planet, transforming all culture into something that looks and feels very similar, crowded, urban, fast...so here are my reasons why I think cryogenically freezing myself for 1000 years is the best bet to time travel into a very different now.
1. The five day week is a theft of time by capital and renders the victims unfree, robbed of our most precious resource - time. In the future it will disappear as will wage labour.
2. Population growth will go into reverse. The planet will be much less crowded and pleasant to live on.
3. Advertising will disappear as the wastefulness of consumerism is replaced by a more rational distribution of goods. Planned obsolescence in production will be replaced by self evolving technology that never needs replacing. Production and art will merge back into the common human activity.
4. Disease will be abolished and humans will effectively be immortal as cell structure comes entirely under technological control. This development alone will radically alter the way we perceive our life and will be cause humans to turn away from short-term selfish thinking
5. Inter dimensional travel will eliminate polluting traffic. We will never need to commute again as anyone and anywhere will be close by.
6. Languages will have merged and technology will instantly translate any unknown meanings. We will all understand one another.
7. Finance and banking will be as relevant as feudal knights are now. Abundance will have eliminated the need for hoarding and speculation and money, if it exists at all, will be something quaint for collectors.
8. All tedious and arduous repetitive work will be eliminated. People will devote their lives to creativity, socialising and interplanetary exploration
9. Politics as we know it will be replaced by direct mass intelligent decision making - a single human brain combining all thought to reach rational decisions about human needs.
10. Owning stuff will not matter anymore. Life will be about experience and using your time for leisure and self realisation.

Of course I could be wrong as I cannot predict the future but for sure lots of very stupid things will have been abolished. Perhaps what will be lost is the joy of struggling against the odds to live a good life. Because everyone will actually live a good life.

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