plot, allegedly by a dodgy Iranian car salesman from Texas, to kill the Saudi ambassador, is being used by patsy Obama and his friends in Israel and Saudi Arabia to ratchet up pressure on Iran. Since 9/11 we have seen Orwellian manipulation of the terrorist threat to arouse US and global opinion in support of US and Zionist aggression. The UK media have on this occasion immediately questioned the authenticity of this new plot - thankfully - yet somehow there is a sense that the Americans don't care if no one believes this to be real. They needed something to beat Iran with, and lacking anything substantive, they have found this ludicrous plot. Only Stalin and Hitler in the 1930s can compare with US false flag terror plots, leading to the most elaborate of all - 9/11 itself. Stalin's henchmen thought up outlandish plots allegedly carried out by his rivals such as Trotsky and Bukharin in alliance with fascist and bourgeois enemies. This was used to hound them, arrest them, beat them into confession. Then they were put on show trials. Their execution ended the story - rather like the execution of Osama bin Laden. No trials for these people - America only dared put one of the alleged 9/11 hijackers on trial (the 20th) after he was waterboarded 83 times and 'confessed' to masterminding the plot.
The Nazis used false flag attacks - on the Reichstag - and later on the Polish border, first to seize power in Germany and then to launch their war in Europe.
Seventy years later, the Neocons used 9/11, WMDs and other alleged terror plots to whip up war hysteria at home and abroad. This latest plot is the most implausible of all. But they don't care. It serves its purpose - and our politicians will very likely go along with it. Orwell would know all too well what this was all about - manufacturing lies for truth. War is the goal. A good analysis can be found here.
This implausible
My new book, ‘Chasing The Scream’, is now available
10 years ago
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