Who's side is the ISI on?
I am actually quite angry about that as all I did was report facts that have been known for years and in the public domain and admitted by officials. Perhaps these facts are too sensitive in the context of western journalists working in Pakistan - some of whom have paid the ultimate cost for their efforts.
See below:
In his informative piece about the ISI, Declan Walsh does not address the critical facts around the visit of then ISI chief Mahmud Ahmed to the US from 4 September 2001 through to 9/11 - when he met the CIA chief George Tenet, and US Senators Porter Goss and Bob Graham among other security and intelligence officials - and the explosive allegation of The Times of India (12 October 2001) that Ahmed ordered the wiring of $100,000 to lead 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta. That story has since been excised from the internet, although there are many references to it. The source appears to have been Indian intelligence. The FBI is also reported to have confirmed that Ahmed did order Omar Sheikh (the killer of Daniel Pearl) to make the transfer to the leader of the 9/11 hijackers.
This is the most important incriminating fact against the ISi in its whole history. If it is true, then it surely bears repeating now following the death of Bin Laden.
Ahmed has been kept in seclusion in Pakistan ever since. He must know a thing or two about ISI's secrets, and those of the CIA, around who knew what about the 9/11 plot. Following the 9/11 attacks, the ISI-created Taliban said they would only hand over Bin Laden if the Americans provided proof that Bin Laden was involved. The Americans refused.
Link to Asia Times story of 2004.
On the morning of September 11, Mahmoud was having a breakfast meeting at the Capitol with Graham and Goss. Goss spent as many as 10 years working on numerous CIA clandestine operations. He is very close to Vice President Dick Cheney. It's interesting to note that two weeks ago Goss suggested to the Justice Department to bring perjury charges against the new Cheney nemesis, Clarke. As it is widely known, Graham and Goss were co-heads of the joint House-Senate investigation that proclaimed there was "no smoking gun" as far as President George W Bush having any advance knowledge of September 11.
According to the Washington Post, and also to sources in Islamabad, the Mahmoud-Graham-Goss meeting lasted until the second plane hit Tower 2 of the World Trade Center. Graham later said they were talking about terrorism coming from Afghanistan, which means they were talking about bin Laden.
Pakistani intelligence sources told Asia Times Online that on the afternoon of September 11 itself, as well as on September 12 and 13, Armitage met with Mahmoud with a stark choice: either Pakistan would help the US against al-Qaeda, or it would be bombed back to the Stone Age. Secretary of State Colin Powell presented an ultimatum in the form of seven US demands. Pakistan accepted all of them. One of the demands was for Musharraf to send Mahmoud to Kandahar again and force the Taliban to extradite bin Laden. Mahmoud knew in advance Mullah Omar would refuse. But when he went to Kandahar the Taliban leader said he would accept, as long as the Americans proved bin Laden was responsible for September 11. There was no proof, and Afghanistan was bombed anyway, a policy already decided well in advance.
Why would The Guardian 'moderator' delete this comment on its article about the ISI
My new book, ‘Chasing The Scream’, is now available
10 years ago
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